Advantage of Facial Acupuncture
- I use only acupuncture needle so there is a little chance of side effects.
- Asian medicine plastic surgery skills stimuli collagen generation from underneath of skin layer.
- Recovers elasticity of mimic muscles to prevent loosing folds.
- Helping process of excreting waste of skin to tonifying skin and recover wrinkle.
- Most procedures take 30 minutes to 1 hour. Also because it is not surgical operation, patient will be back to their work or home immediately.
- There will be no edema or hematoma. Comparing to other skills for plastic surgery, result will stay longer.
- From 5 to 10 sessions of treatment, wrinkles will be disappearing and preserving the condition semi permanently.
- Due to not using medication but helping self healing power for wrinkle treatment, There will be no scar on skin.
- Artificial filler or fat cells that usually used by cosmetic surgery is not necessary; result will be look more natural. If you have swallow wrinkle or deep-set scar Asian medicine plastic surgery is best therapy for younger and beautiful looking.
-Skills of Facial Acupuncture
- Regenerating skin: Using automated MTS in order to tonify skin tone and regenerate new skin cell. Due to remove outer surface of skin, the procedure helps secretion of sedum and also cleaning pores resulting brighter and whiter skin.
- Hongchim Therapy: Using specially designed needle, treats wrinkle and scar by generating collagen. Newly generated collagen will help removing wrinkles. It could be easily understood dissertation of filler underneath of wrinkle of treatments of western cosmetic surgery. This skill treats wrinkles, scars and acne scars. It could be used to reshape outline of face.
- Facial Acupuncture: Takes acupuncture points related on mimic muscle with acupuncture needle for treatment. Human uses 80 different muscle to make 7,000 different facial expressions. This skill treats wrinkle, tightens facial muscle to make smaller face without surgery or injection of medication like botulinum toxin.
- Skills for regeneration of Epidermis: The most aggressive procedure of stimulation of epidermis to maximize epidermis recovery process of body. The procedure helps self healing power to recover from wrinkle and loosed facial tissue.
- Facial Sculpture: Shapes facial outline from severely loosen facial tissue and square jaw line. The procedure lifts tissues and skin layers that are related to make square jaw line. Also the procedure expects treating wrinkle and releasing unnecessarily tightened facial muscle. The procedure also called as ‘V line Asian Medicine Plastic Surgery.’